

項目全過程咨詢管理及工程監理 項目施工階段建設監理 建設工程招標代理 工程造價咨詢和造價鑒定 建設工程質量安全檢查及評估 工程建設過程咨詢服務
Project whole-process consultancy and management and supervision

1、項目實施準備階段  Phase1. Preparing 
Main service: Project Application, Compile Project Suggestion, Feasibility Report, Land Survey, Design Attorney Report, Providing Technical and Economic Analysis of Design Proposal, Planning Approval, Appling for the Construction Drawing Approving, Apply Fire Hydrant and Sanitary Approved File, Apply the Right of Running Construction Water and Electricity. Checking the site indeed leveled, bidding for Quality Supervision Attorney files, Apply the Planning Permission, Construction Permission and Axial Line Acceptance.

2、工程招標階段  Phase2. Bidding
Scheme the proper bidding type, bidding documents, clarifying the construction standard and main material and equipment, compile project list and price control, organize project application, announcement of tenders, conduct pre-qualification, organize tender documents answering, organize bid opening and evaluation, issue letter of acceptance, draft the contract and assist to sign it.

3、工程施工階段Phase3. On-Supervision
Quality control, progress control, invests control, contract, information, safety and civilized construction management, connection and coordination between each party during project construction process.
Organize drawings checking, detail-telling, subproject inspection and acceptance. Bid for pipeline construction and connect procedures of running water, power supply, storm sewage, CATV, telephone, gas etc. Organize completion acceptance and hand over, declare for various inspections and acceptances of programme, environmental protection, fire protection etc. Completion materials archiving, handing over and completion filing.

4、建設后期及保修階段Phase4. After constructed
Bid for land certificate, review project cost and items settlement,implemente resolve remaining problems rectification, coordinate and solve problems during warranty period.
